After Rain there is Sun, After Pain there is Fun.
Ever since the pandemic started the atmosphere is a sink in grief. But there is something more than that, we all have learned life lessons during this period. But the biggest lesson learned is that no matter how worse the situation could be or how painful it is, we all hope that Good times shall come. This hope has kept us all united. No matter how long the night is, but the sun has to rise and spread the rays of joy everywhere.
The Parturition
In everyday life we experience this amazing phenomenon of baring pain first and then it ends with lots of happiness. Solving problems always gives you more happiness than spending money on buying things that you would use once and then throwing them away. Let’s talk about Parturition (childbirth). During this process, the mother has to go through labor pain, which is a lot discomforting, achy, strong, and something that makes the mother-to-be cry. But after this only the Child: the lifelong happiness is born. This is a natural cycle that every one of us in different manners goes through, first pain and then love.
We are Hardwired to Hope
Even if currently we are having or facing rough patches in our lives it turns out that we are hardwired to hope. God made us optimistic by nature, look for the good, and expect things to improve. So don’t worry that what if you lose hope someday, that won’t happen but just remember that you don’t lose faith, that may ruin things.
Happiness: lies within you
Have you ever got sad about somebody’s deed or that somebody said something about you to other people around you? To be sad at first is natural but that doesn’t make sense. Why let somebody else make you sad. Be the in-charge of your happiness. Figure out things that make you cheery when you feel dull. It could be anything like playing with your pet, nature walk (the best thing to do nature has got healing abilities), dancing, watching your favorite show it could be anything.
Be in Present
The present is a gift from God that is why it is called ‘present’. Never lose your laughter. Events come and go some are pleasant some are not. When you can laugh when things fall apart that is when the real growth happens.
Keep Laughing!